Features Here is a glimpse of the many features provided by Jaris. Menus Create and administer as many menus for your site from a single place. Display them on any page you want by placing blocks of menus on specific pages of your choice. | Blocks Blocks are pieces of content that can be placed on standard locations of the page (header, left, center, right, footer). Want to easily add additional notes of the current section to your visitors, or just add some ads to earn some money? With blocks you can do that and much more. | Users and Groups Manage user accounts and their roles by assigning them to groups with predefined list of permissions of your choice. Work your site hierarchically by delegating each task to different groups of maintainer with specific sets of permission. | Localization With the built-in translation functionality you can provide your website in more than one language, expanding your opportunities on a international and global market. | Categories Improve the navigation and searching experience by creating categories and subcategories that can be assigned to any content of your site. | Image/File Uploads Upload as many images or files at once with the multi-upload system while keeping track of them with a nice progress bar. Do you have experienced a nightmare while working with huge amounts of files? Images and files are highly tied to a page or section of the site. This kind of behavior permits you to easily identify images or files that belong to a specific page or section. | Extensibility Want a feature not available on Jaris? No worries. Jaris sports a modular design that enables the addition of plug-ins to provide additional functionality that isn't part of the core. Jaris can even be used as a web framework for almost any type of project you have in mind. | Themes Want to change the look of your site? It is easy with the integrated template system. Instead of adding more layers of processing to support themes, a lightweight php based template system is part of the core. It permits the theming of different sections and it's elemets at a granular level. | Multi-site hosting With Jaris CMS is possible to host multiple websites from a single installation. Forget about the complicated upgrade process for each of your website installations and focus just on one that runs all of them. | | |